What’s Your Optimal Marketing Mix?
In marketing, some of the hardest decisions relate to how to best allocate resources across the marketing mix, which are all possible ways of reaching and serving potential and existing customers.
Be Innovative and Thrive
Separate your company from the competition by doing something innovative. Being first to market with a new product, idea or technology is definitely going to set you apart from your competitors. But, there are other creative ways to be innovative. Innovation can be...
How Not to be a “Me-too” Proposition – Ask Yourself the Top Three People2People Marketing Questions
Developing a People2People marketing strategy for your company isn’t an easy task. You have to ask yourself – how do you differentiate yourself in the market? What is the one specific thing makes you different in the eyes of your customers? Why should they choose you when there are so many other choices?
How Corporate Giving Can Boost Branding, Sales and Emotional Engagement
I recently read an article that resonated with me because it strongly connected with the corporate philosophy for Pivot Point Marketing. The article discussed how corporate giving can have a positive impact on your brand and in turn boost sales.
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